Pres. Dallin H. Oaks told us we should “advocate, uphold, and defend” the Divinely Inspired Principles of our Constitution.  Likewise, Pres. Ezra Taft Benson said that the Constitution is a part of our religion and that we should be able to teach others about it.  Do you feel like you have enough knowledge about these things to effectively do what they told us to do?  Would you like some help to increase your knowledge and understanding of our Constitution in small, 15-minute lessons each Sunday mostly from the mouths of our Apostles, Prophets, and Founders?  Then use this HOTLINK to listen to, and download, the links to the various Constitutional Sunday School lessons, and get started. 

Even though I have used the name “Sunday School” you should know that the Church had nothing to do with the creation of this website.   I simply want to get across the point that I think a course of personal study about our Constitution on Sundays, would be consistent with keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. 

These lessons and materials represent the culmination of my life’s work to do what Presidents Benson and Oaks said we should do.  I seek no financial gain from this.  I just want to do my part to help fulfill prophecy, and hope you have the same desire. 

Pres. Oaks just briefly introduced five constitutional principles, so you need to dig deeper, in order to help save our Constitution in fulfillment of Joseph Smith’s prophecy about the Constitution hanging by a thread, and the members of the church rising up to help save it.

Please listen to the first lesson entitled “Constitutional Sunday School” to see if these lessons will interest you.  It is less than 11 minutes long.  These lessons are filled with many amazing and enlightening quotes that you will be glad to discover for the first time.

In an age of burgeoning censorship by the keepers of the web, I recommend you download each file onto your computer so that you will always have them—independent of the web.  You can download both the audio clips, and the written transcripts of them to see the references for the various quotes in case you ever want to verify their accuracy.

I apologize up front for the low quality of my oral presentations.  They may be hard to take in an era where people are used to hearing perfect deliveries, in perfect voices.  If that bothers you, then you can just read the transcripts.  But you may find that the inflections and emphases I use in my voice when I read the various quotes, will help you to understand them better—and more easily–than if you were to just read them yourself.  After all, sometimes the old sentence structures can be quite complex and hard to read.

If you want to go beyond these lessons and deepen your understanding further, then you can download, and save, the other files on this webpage.  You might want to do that right now to preserve your options, while you know you can still do that.  After all, I am getting along in years now, and when I die, this website might die with me.  It might even die earlier than that, if I get Alzheimer’s.  My growing forgetfulness and penchant to grasp for words, suggests that might be in the cards for me.

In these materials, you will learn some interesting and enlightening American Constitutional History that you should have learned somewhere in your formal education, but probably didn’t.

Since the bulk of these materials are in the words of others that you can verify on your own, there is no need for you to know who I am as the compiler.  Besides, arguments stand or fall on their own inherent merits—it doesn’t really matter who makes them.  So I will be happy to make your acquaintance for the first time, in the next life.

Good luck in your studies—I think you will enjoy them.